International Publication Statistics Show Collaboration, Not Competition

Identifikator: 11022/0000-0000-1F95-6Link icon


Changing the name from American Psychological Society to Association for Psychological Science triggered a substantive gestalt switch in my perception of our organization. I welcomed the change as a commitment to the development of an international orientation in psychology. Having received my PhD degree in the US in 1982 and subsequently returning to Germany, I have followed international publication statistics with some interest. Until the early 1980s, only a few German psychologists used international journals as an outlet for their research. During the last 20 years, however, I have witnessed a remarkable change in this respect, especially, in my own field of experimental/cognitive psychology. So I have been wondering how this change compares across different fields of psychology and across various regions of the world. SCImago, a consortium of Spanish researchers, (2007, based on the SCOPUS data base) offers statistics detailing the number of citable documents for different subcategories within psychology and for different countries or regions of the world. APS Observer


Icon Quote Reinhold Kliegl (2014): International Publication Statistics Show Collaboration, Not Competition. Mind Research Repository. Identifier: 11022/0000-0000-1F95-6.




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